There must be some good news, she said. Well, there is. This is the most gorgeous spring in a long time. A riot of blooming things: trees, shrubs, bulbs, perennials and the orchids are in bloom or in spike. The weather is near perfect. The world is at peace. Well, so there may be a few issues unresolved but on balance this is a glorious spring. We are looking forward to three graduations: TU, TCC and ISU. Graduation is always a good news time for us academic types. It means closure and you get to see the joy of families as their kids complete one dream and start on another. Then there is the trip to Las Vegas followed by a visit to Portugal (grilled sardines and Vinho Verde here we come), then tear out the bathroom. Then a new term and a bunch of new students (woody) and a bunch of new faculty (sal) and the fun starts all over again.
Let’s not overlook the economy either. Yes, the rebound is slow, but it is there. Signs of recovery everywhere (if you are still unemployed this may be a hard sell). Inflation is practically nonexistent, our industries are slowly but surely increasing output, and we are buying again. General Motors paid 8 billion back to the feds 5 years early for god’s sake. If that isn’t good news I don’t know what is.
Good news? Piles of it. Make your own list and enjoy the summer.
Credit: Thanks Sal
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