Friday, April 30, 2010

Did you know Madieye Diallo?

Humans are capable of the most despicable and degraded behavior imaginable. Hate some ethnic group? Hate some religions? Hate some lifestyles? Hate some genetic disorders? Hate anybody for anything? Well, welcome to the human race. Hate away pal, hate away. You are in hated company. But beyond hatred is irrational and dangerous behavior it causes. The beautiful young man pictured died and was buried. Two hours later a mob dug up his body, spit on it and dumped if front of his parent’s house. Why? He was gay. That’s all. Just gay. What kind of depraved sick people would do something like that you ask? You don’t have to look very far to find them. Reflect back to Pogo and you will find the answer. This is nothing new in the world. In the late 1700’s gay men were stoned to death in London, and lesbians were hung.
An old friend of mine used to say “there are reasons, and then there are real reasons”. I think the real reason for homophobia is the fear of difference. I think that is why most hatred manifests. Someone is different and must be feared and eliminated.
Tolerance is a virtue preached by most or all religions in some ways. Mankind is not biologically a tolerant animal. The core drive and value of survival makes us suspicious of anyone that is different from us. So we hate, and by hating survive. But at what price? Who wants to be hated because they are different? My Mexican friends? My Jewish friends? My gay friends? My black friends? My short friends? My fat friends? My French friends? My, well, you get the point. Everybody is probably hated by someone for something.
See? A human imperative.
So don’t be surprised by the disgusting results of hatred. Rail against it when you can and stop it if you can. Vote it out and pass laws against it and stamp it down. But don’t expect it to go away. Do the right thing and try not to hate anybody for anything. Not easy is it?


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