I just read a NY Times Op-ed piece on Global Weirding. (Thanks Jerry for the tip). I gotta say it really pissed me off. Not the article itself. The idea that the world, especially China, is laughing at us for being so stupid and easily led. This is not the only thing about us that the world laughs at. The Europeans just can’t understand the way we let minorities keep the Evolution issue boiling on “high”, or the way a minority keeps the abortion issue boiling on “high”, or the perpetual state of turmoil over gay rights, or the way we apparently have a state religion in an obviously secularly founded and constitutionally secular state. Or the litmus test we apparently have for public officials: “Non-Christians need not bother to apply”. Do you really think that the best possible candidate for any office has a chance of being elected if he or she says “I am not really a believer in religion? In fact I am an atheist.”? If so, you are really deluded, and deserve the scorn the world heaps on you. President Obama was not openly attacked about being Black (although it was not far below the surface) but was openly challenged about being a Muslim (he isn’t). After all, his middle name is Hussein. That is how stupid some Americans can be. I better not get really wound up here or the NSA will be knocking on my door. The next thing you know, there will be a new version of the “The House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC or HCUA, 1938–1975).
Image: www.ghmadsen.com/The%20Madness%20nr16.htm
Image: www.ghmadsen.com/The%20Madness%20nr16.htm
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