This “earmark” crap has gotten out of hand. Really? Now? For details go to the link from NPR but here’s the short version: one Senator (I hate to capitalize this, looks too respectful) has put a hold on 70 Obama nominations to force the White House and the Senate to pass 2 of his earmarks (read PORK) projects for his beloved state of Alabama. So this one jackass, Shelby, stops government appointments cold. Not for any good issue-related reason. Don’t you ever get tired of this crap? Why do we keep electing these self-serving got-to-get-reelected politicians? I think the answer is that the vast majority of Americans don’t know what goes on and don’t care. Here is a warning: The time to care was long ago and the time to care is now. The country is headed down a dangerous and possibly irreversible path to disaster. I also think that the small number of Americans that are paying attention are completely out shouted and out gunned by the entrenched elite. In addition to a spoiled biosphere we pass a spoiled political system on to our children. And expect them to thank us. Don’t hold your breath.
1 comment:
I'm really looking forward to a future when Kraft, Exxon, Microsoft, Citibank, and all the rest can just buy their representatives honestly. That way the senator could just say "well, Kraft paid for my votes and they want me to do this. If you'd like me to do something else, this is my rate $$$$."
So senator....how much does it cost for you to vafanculo? Do I get a student discount on that? Can I post the video on Youtube?
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