This is a wandering that starts with a dream. Sally had a dream that she was dead and standing by her body looking at it and hearing and seeing the actions in the scene. Where the hell do these images come from?
This is sort of what I mean when I say "some day I will wake up dead and........" . Wake up dead? How can you do that? Well, if the dream represents some expression of the existence of a soul or something like that it may actually be true that you can wake up dead. Probably not, though.
Brains produce the most wonderful and weird thoughts and images imaginable. I call one process "cortical skipping". When you see something, say a dog, and that reminds you to buy dog food which reminds you that Publix has wine on sale which reminds you of the wonderful sausage you had in Italy which reminds you to ....... Get the drift? You somehow end up thinking about balancing the tires. These thoughts fly around your brain in the cortex and there is absolutely no way of knowing where they will go. There is probably an algorithm in there somewhere, and some of the connections may be more obvious than others, but in my family we are fond of saying "there is no accounting for a brain".
Or how about all the weird dreams where you fly or pass through walls or are someone you surely will never be, like the pope or god or fill in your own weird dreams.
Driving along, my mind wanders in all sorts of directions, which reminds me of licorice which reminds me that I have to go to the Co-op today which reminds me to stop by Ron's with his flywheel puller which reminds me ........
1 comment:
Gee, I always that that skipping was due to old age! LOL
Bob claims that women's minds work like this all the time. Love it!
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