They went to bed under the stars on the Nebraska plains. Light sleeping bags were all they needed to keep the chilled night air and dew from becoming too uncomfortable. My father and his brother woke up early, got a small fire going and passed the time until full daylight planning the rattlesnake hunt for the day. Little did they know. As the sun came up, my mother stirred then suddenly froze. "Hal? There is something in the bottom of my sleeping bag. When I move it buzzes" Right. It was a fairly large rattle snake that had crawled into her bag during the night for warmth. The brothers discussed the possible ways to get the snake out without getting her bitten and came up with a plan. "Stay still until the sun warms the bag. The snake will come out on it's own and then we'll shoot it." So she did. For hours she lay unmoving as gradually the snake warmed up and moved up over her body to the open end of the bag. It poked out it's head. "No shot. Wait a little longer" my father said. Finally the reptile got out and started to move away. A single shot to the head killed it instantly. After some coffee and a late breakfast they hunted rattle snakes. What a woman!
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