"Vision America President Dr. Rick Scarborough commented: "We are urging Senators to join DeMint (R, SC) in filibustering this pernicious -- one might almost say 'toxic' -- legislation. As Values Voter leaders, we are saying this vicious assault on the Church and the First Amendment must not and will not be allowed to succeed." " (Ha you asshole, it passed.)
So, the true haters are unveiled.
One more reason to keep the religions of the world out of the political arena. Defining killing a gay man or woman as a "vicious assault on the Church and the First Amendment " is about as twisted as you can get. And seriously in conflict with the teachings of Jesus. Look it up Christians.
We can all be thankful that enough Representatives and Senators had the balls or ovaries to pass this legislation. Too bad it had to be added to a "must pass" appropriations act. Better late than never, better done than not.
Photo: blogs.pitch.com/plog/2008/08/god_hates_everyo...
Quote: http://www.christiannewswire.com/news/7861710682.html
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