Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Evolution of God: Thank you Diane Rhem

Well, this morning Diane once again had a great guest on. His name is Robert Wright, author of several books and articles on religion and science. His new book "The Evolution of God" is a well though out and researched discussion that bears reading. The link below will take you to the introduction and first chapter on Worth reading. I'll have more to say about it when I read it myself.


woody s. said...

laura. I have deleted your comments. very easy.

Zarko said...

Wow, evolution and God all under the same cover! Intereseting and genous. The main question that comes to my mind as I am reading the title; did God evolve or in fact just the human brain and the God-gene within ourselves?

woody s. said...

Z. I think that god does not exist in any real sense, only what we have created many times over. But is has been said that perception becomes reality. God by that logic is real to those who believe. The "god gene" or a genetic sense that allows most of the human population to believe is an evolutionary trait that helps us live together maybe? Believers are often followers (pack) and leaders often have little faith but great leadership. What do you think?