Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Woody's List of Good Guys

There are a couple of people in the House and Senate that I like for one reason or another. They are representative of many groups: men, women, gays, liberals, conservatives and probably others if I could think of them. I won’t go into why I like each but I can generalize this way: These people pretty much say what they mean, and like it or not, you usually know what they think about something. Here’s my list in no particular order:
Bernie Sanders
Henry Waxman
Barney Frank
Olympia Snow
Russ Feingold
Lindsey Graham
Bill Nelson
Chuck Schumer
Tom Udall
Notice that only one Representative, Henry Waxman, is on the list. Not many of those guys rise to the level of constant watchdog like Waxman. I love the guy and would vote for him if I could.
I don’t agree with all or in some cases most of what these representatives of the people espouse, but I trust them to think for themselves, and I value that. Time will tell what the next election will bring, and I don’t know which Senators are running this time out. And as much as I would love to see the republicans lose seats in the next election, the few republicans on this list would get my vote. If fact I will probably vote for the independent in the Florida Senate race this fall. Who me? A democrat? Well, until I moved to north Florida where many elections are decided in the primary, I was an independent. Card carrying. And I still think that way.

Oh, and did I mention President Obama?

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