The same government is also wholesale privatizing “public” education and paying for it by taking money from the public schools and giving it to the private schools. Not surprisingly the private schools “cherry pick” the better students leaving the less able to struggle in underfunded public schools.
The same government has already reduced public school teacher’s job security, and reduced or eliminated tenure from public Universities. Next year tenure is slated to be axed from the community colleges.
Several sources have discussed the gutting of education by Republican governments since the mid 1970’s. Attacks on curricula, denigrating science, implementing testing programs without budget increases to meet the demands of the tests, trying to abolish departments of education at both the state and national levels are still ongoing. The reason posited by the people researching the climate of educational attack? Dumb down the population so the crap the “enlightened” capitalists (the free market will cure all ills) pump out to increase profits and reduce costs can slide by a public without critical thinking skills. The deep religious core beliefs of many Americans make the swallowing of the whole thing easier since strong religious beliefs predispose a person to accept assertions without proof.
The thing that worries me is that there is no ground swell of outrage at the dumbing down of our children’s education. Maybe, just maybe, 40+ years of this relentless assault has begun to produce the desired results. If you aren’t even the least bit worried, then the case rests with you.
presidential election, the Republican Party wants you to vote for “Proven
Success”, namely their candidate and his inherited wealth. You think a black
child born to a single mother on food stamps who got to be the President of the
United States isn’t “Proven Success”? You gotta be nuts if you think inheriting
wealth is a greater measure of success than the struggle of the POTUS. And you
may just be a victim of the dumbing down of America.