Thursday, August 2, 2012

Хорошие новости от РОССИИ!

Посвящение проект города-побратима

Я проверил мою статистику Blogger сейчас и обнаружил, что у меня было 26 хитов из России с 26 июля и 619, так как я начал блог. Я рад и приглашаем Вас, мои русские читатели, чтобы связаться со мной через раздел комментариев или по электронной почте. Я использую Google Translate для этого, чтобы он не будет совершенным, но лучше, чем мои ограниченные русском языке. Я изучал русский язык в колледже 50 лет назад, и я не очень хорошо. Поэтому, пожалуйста, рассмотреть ответ и дайте мне знать, как вы нашли мой блог, который вы (если вы хотите), и позволяет общаться. Спасибо. Вуди.

(For my English reading friends, this is a posting for my Russian audience. Translate it with Google if you want to read it.)


Six feet two inches and Size 16

Thanks to my ferreting around in Yahoo news I came across an article about an aussie model named Robyn Lawley. Pretty woman and big. And proud of it. I have nothing profound to say about her at all. Except maybe this: she is normal. Not an airbrushed (thought she is probably air brushed on her cover images) anorexic haint. A good thing to keep in mind for both the women and men of the world. The skinny to the bone cover girls that are presented as “beauty” are not normal. So my question to the women is this: Would you rather look like Robyn Lawley or Twiggy? And to the men: Would you rather have your woman look like Robyn Lawley or Twiggy? (Spoiler: Twiggy aka Lesley Lawson is now 62 years old and normal in body size). I know my answer.


Monday, July 30, 2012

Black People are Loathsome according to the LDS. (2 Nephi 5 – 22)

In order to track down the statements of many that LDS followers are taught that black people were cursed by god to be black, and called loathsome by god and forbidden to have sex with black people and that god cursed black people “to become an bidle people, full of mischief and subtlety, and did seek in the wilderness for beasts of prey.” I looked into the Second Book of Nephi on the LDS website (1).
The claim of the blanket cursing of people of color has been refuted by many Mormons as a misreading of scripture or outright distortions of their faith. So I looked in their own book. And there it was in simple if somewhat flowery language: 2 Nephi 5 – 20 -24. The statements above are all there in, dare I say, black and white. No doubt what so ever. People of color were cursed by their god (and yours if you are a Christian, Jew or Muslim) to be black, loathsome, idle and forbidden to be married to white people.
And you want a President that believes this crap? You can’t get around this you know. You have to look into your hearts or ask yourself or ask your friends of color this question. Mitt believes this. He was taught this from a baby. He knows that god made black people loathsome and idle. He KNOWS this. The same way you Christian friends know that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. Indoctrination at an early age. You cannot disbelieve that Jesus died for you and Mitt cannot disbelieve that black people are loathsome either. He also believes that god has numerous wives and all Mormons will be gods themselves. Monotheistic? Not even close.
Do you really want a man to be President that believes this level of clear distortion and untruth? I don’t.
