Friday, March 22, 2013

Trust Me, Said the Elephant. I Have Changed.

And then he stepped on the mouse. Sorry, said the elephant, but I just can't abide mice.

Since the “Report” or dissection of the Republican losses was released earlier this week there has been much Gnashing of Teeth by the Right. And from what I have seen, it boils down to this: we must change the PERCEPTION of the Party to ease voters into the fold. Not change the DIRECTION, THE PERCEPTION! What bullshit is this? Oh, I forgot. It is the Republican Bullshit. Stick to the rabidly conservative values and agendas, but con the public into PERCEIVING them as a chaste and changed party.
In other words LIE THROUGH THEIR TEETH and use smoke and mirrors to try to con the miniorities and women and LGBTQ s of the world to think they have changed. Changed? Newt? Marcus? Mitt? Michelle? These morons couldn’t change a diaper without a nanny.
Pure unadulterated posturing. But, it may work. If it doesn’t work, they always have gerrymandering to fall back on.
As we frequently said in Good Old New York: Fuck Me.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wolf/Man Follow Up

I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen for several years yesterday. He is a medicine man in a Florida tribe and I trust him. I told him my story, the dream/notdream (1.) and he said very matter of factly “He is a Shaman. Probably used the area you were in for ceremonies. Probably wanted to take a look at you.” No surprise in his voice or expression. No “are you sure?”. Just a simple explanation without reservation and without judgement.

Now, take this kind of experience to religious leaders of other faiths and see what would happen. This man is comfortable in his beliefs, they are based in the world around him and they are real. I know one thing: His world and mine intersect in more than one place. In other essays I have told about my spirit guides, and my family totems. If I had to pick a “religious” paradigm, guess which one I would go with. Wait. Did I say “if”? I have picked, and it is a very comfortable fit.  (And I am lucky to have two spirit guides: Owl and Wolf.)


Monday, March 18, 2013

One more strange event in the life of Woody.

Around 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning of the second night in the “earth house” in rural New Mexico I felt someone watching me. I opened my eyes and standing next to the bed was a man whose head was a wolf. As I watched, the form morphed into a standing wolf with a man’s head, then back. The person/wolf just looked at me without any implication of threat or approval. Then was gone. Lucid dream? Plain old dream? Not a dream at all? Beats me, but I felt really comfortable being there.