Thursday, October 29, 2009

FRAUD!!!!! FAKE!!!!

Thanks to my nephew Dan for getting me on this track. The link in not obvious. In 1969 I walked into my first real class of 90 students as a full time teacher. I had spent the better part of 10 years in college preparing and had studied on the cutting edge of many areas of biology. Still, I knew in my bones that I was unprepared and just one question away from being revealed as a fraud. Throughout my full time teaching career which spanned nearly 40 years the fear of discovery was never far below the surface. "If they only know how little I really know......"
This phenomenon is called the "fraud hypothesis" and is present in almost everyone at some level. Research over the years indicates that many people perceive themselves as barely prepared for the task and "If only I had a little more time I could get really ready." Seems to be a normal human trait. The reality is that "they" don't care how little or how much you know as long as you know what they want or need to know and can guide their learning it.
I had a professor in college many years ago who was also my mentor and friend. I once told him that I had let both of us down by not doing enough. He told me that when we evaluate ourselves we factor in all the things we know we didn't do, or did badly, or repeated to get right, but when someone else does it they only see the outcome. And he was pleased with the outcome. Basically he told me to get over it and get on with it. I did. Sort of.
Years later when I taught my first anatomy and physiology class I thought "God, if they only knew how little I really know about this they would walk." I had prepared exhaustively for every concept and knew as much as was humanly possible, but still, but still someone might figure out the fraud. Once again I pulled it off.
Another thing this wise man taught me was to say "I don't know" when you don't. My students will affirm that I do that regularly. Hey, you can't know everything, and if you think you do, you really are a fraud.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hate Crimes and the Law

Why do we need a separate law for every hate crime? I don't really get it. Before today it wasn't a federal crime to hate a person because of their sexual orientation. In the past,the Civil Rights Act was used to prosecute some who openly "hated" GLBT by doing violence . Now there is a specific statute that makes hatred of these and others a federal crime. Good. I think people that do these things should be prosecuted. By "these things" I mean openly act against someone because they are part of a group identified as deserving hate by someone. Take Matthew and Sean and James for example. Minding their own business when they were singled out for punishment for being gay. All were killed. Matthew was tortured first. James was dragged to death behind a pickup. Sean was beaten to death.
The part I don't get is this: Why do we need to list the categories of people you can't openly hate? Why can't we just have laws that protect us all from acts of hatred? Couldn't we define the acts that constitute hatred and then go after anyone that committed those acts?

I suspect that the hate crimes history has it's beginnings with religious hatred and racial hatred. But it doesn't make sense to me to be convicted "hate crime purp" for beating up a Jew and calling her a "dirty Jew", while beating up a Dodger fan and calling her a "Dirty Dodger fan" isn't . Or is it? Help me out here people.

Today the President will sign the Defense Appropriations bill which includes the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Look at the kind of crap that was used to try to kill the act:

"Vision America President Dr. Rick Scarborough commented: "We are urging Senators to join DeMint (R, SC) in filibustering this pernicious -- one might almost say 'toxic' -- legislation. As Values Voter leaders, we are saying this vicious assault on the Church and the First Amendment must not and will not be allowed to succeed." "

So, the true haters are unveiled.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The True Haters Unveiled

Today the President will sign the Defense Appropriations bill which includes the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Look at the kind of crap that was used to try to kill the act:

"Vision America President Dr. Rick Scarborough commented: "We are urging Senators to join DeMint (R, SC) in filibustering this pernicious -- one might almost say 'toxic' -- legislation. As Values Voter leaders, we are saying this vicious assault on the Church and the First Amendment must not and will not be allowed to succeed." " (Ha you asshole, it passed.)
So, the true haters are unveiled.

One more reason to keep the religions of the world out of the political arena. Defining killing a gay man or woman as a "vicious assault on the Church and the First Amendment " is about as twisted as you can get. And seriously in conflict with the teachings of Jesus. Look it up Christians.

We can all be thankful that enough Representatives and Senators had the balls or ovaries to pass this legislation. Too bad it had to be added to a "must pass" appropriations act. Better late than never, better done than not.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Moral or Ethical Dilemma?

I have lately been bothered by the unending amount of bad news from world science, political and economic sources that are pessimistic in the extreme. Mixed in are also some "good news" items as well, but you have to dig to find them. Sample scenario: You have a friend that is terminally ill with a disorder that is known to get worse with mental anguish. Your friend doesn't know that the illness will kill her. If you don't tell her that she will die soon she will not have any chance to do the many things that dying people want to and should do, but if you do tell her you will cause her to die much sooner. Do you let her go on into a future that holds only death with no closure, or do you tell her, precipitate her death, but she spends her last time knowing what is coming and getting ready?

I agonize over the bad news because of the tendency of people like me to ring the danger bell of the world coming apart. But do we do anyone a favor by doing this?

I was at a wedding this past weekend and the families were joyful (as they should be) and looking forward to yet another batch of grandchildren. I wanted to scream out " more grandchildren will increase the population pressure, worsen the world and doom the kids to much misery in their lifetimes", but I didn't. But they will.

For a person like me, not knowing what is the right path is unnerving. Maybe the best thing to do is nothing at all. Let the dice roll and the numbers fall. I think that silence will kill me but then again something will sooner or later anyway.