Sunday, March 31, 2013

For My Christian Friends: Not So Radical After All

This is the kind of Crap Nobody Needs.
I don’t go around saying Happy Easter and Happy Passover and Happy Kwanza and Happy Christmas any more than my conservative friends go around saying Happy Solstice and Happy Beltane. How come?  
Not because of lack of respect or some deep dark plot to eradicate a religion. Oh, maybe the conservative friends would like to eradicate Paganism once and for all. You know, get rid of those pesky witches and warlocks. And maybe get rid of the Jews too for good measure (but not the end timers. They need Israel to settle once and for all the end of mankind). Those eradications have been on the sometimes not-so-hidden agenda for millennia. But nobody I have ever heard of actually wants to get rid of the Christian faith in America. Islam, the real thing, doesn’t. Secularists don’t. Nobody does. They all just want to be left alone.
Oh, that’s it. Secularists! Why didn’t I think of that before? The growing secular population in America is getting tired of being preached to and at by the Christian Right. They are tired of having the “Bible” forced down their throat in the thinly veiled movements to pass a Christian agenda and make it the law of the land. So they are getting more and more vocal. And active. And at the same time the Republican Party is feeling the pressure to catch up with the world and leave the archaic ideas of their so-called base behind. Positions like opposing 100% of abortions; opposing any marriage not between “one man and one woman” (which flies directly in the face of the “Bible” they profess to love); insisting on the inclusion of prayers to their “God” at public events where many people are not believers.
These Bible Thumping folks are being manipulated once again by clever Republican operatives and worked up into frenzy about the “dechristianization of America”, as if America was a Christian country all along. In fact all the public religiosity you see around you on money, in the pledge of allegiance and inscribed on buildings is new to the country.

My Christian Friends, nobody who I know wants to take away your religion. We all just want you to stop shoving your spin on the world down our throats. That isn’t so radical, is it?


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