Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The RAPE of America: You will never guess by whom.

It started with cries of “We must end our dependence on foreign oil” and mutated into “DRILL BABY DRILL”, a thinly veiled attack on the moderates of the country who wanted to make oil and gas exploration more environmentally safe. They said, often and loud, “WE NEED THE OIL TO BRING DOWN GAS PRICES!!!”  The drum beating was never as loud as during the 2008 elections. They threatened “IF WE DON’T HAVE A MORE EXTENSIVE KEYSTONE PIPELINE TO DELIVER CANADIAN TAR SAND OIL TO TEXAS GAS PRICES WILL NEVER COME DOWN!!!”
Ok, so the moderates went along and issued more oil and gas drilling permits than any previous government. They approved fracking for oil and gas. They loosened some coal environmental regulations. Oil and gas were released in historic quantities. So much in fact that in many places where gas was found, it is being burned off in a process called “flaring”. To relieve the pressure on the wells, and because there is not enough pipe to carry the new gas supplies. And the oil began to flow.
Ok, gas prices you ask? Why, they went UP!!
But here is the ugly truth behind the calloused use of the American Public to get into America’s vast and strategic energy reserves: EXPORT SALES. Right. Along with the vast new supplies of energy coming on the market, was the parallel push to permit natural gas EXPORT terminals, to sell our precious energy on the world market. And to increase refinery capacity at the expense of the environment to increase EXPORT of refined products and to increase the EXPORT of crude oil.  And to build vast new coal EXPORT facilities on the West coast to feed the polluting furnaces of China.
Who benefits from all this drilling and exporting? The same RAPISTS who screw you every time you buy gas at the pump, or want really cheap natural gas, or fill your propane tank. The BIG INTERNATIONAL ENERGY COMPANIES and the politicians they subsidize.  The companies, by the way, who don’t pay their taxes, or really invest in America, or even clean up their spills. And yes, they want the Keystone pipeline finished to deliver Canadian tar sand oil to Texas for export. We all take the environmental risk of getting the oil, a very energy intensive process, and the environmental risk to the country as a whole if the pipe breaks (they always do) and they get the PROFIT.
Men used to say to women “if RAPE is inevitable, lay back and enjoy it”. Like that? No. Well, if you don’t get off your collective asses and fight the RAPE OF AMERICA BY ENERGY CORPORATIONS AND THEIR MINIONS, THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, and then you might just as well get used to it.  Until Americans really take back the country from the greedy pigs currently trying to RAPE ALL OF US, you are going to get gang banged forever. Learn to enjoy the high price of gas, the crappy water and air quality and the changing environment.

And remember always: “WOODY TOLD YOU SO”.