With a vengeance too. I had it when I was a kid, less than 10 years old based on the house we were in at the time. Stayed in bed for days and whooped and whooped like crazy. My mother rigged a steam tent over the head end of the bed and I breathed moist air with Vicks VapoRub and had Antiphlogistine from a heated tube plastered on my little chest and covered with a warm wet towel. Did they work? Well, here I am so something worked. Probably just a robust immune system.
A couple of years ago I got it again (from some twit on an airplane). Coughed and whooped a little, just enough to identify it to my own satisfaction and in a few days it abated. Immune system kicking in and getting a booster case.
So now, according to the Christian Broadcast Network (1), the bacteria that causes it (Bordetella pertussis) has evolved into a more resistant type that is evading the immunization shots. EVOLVED!! From the CBN. Finally a public admission that Evolution actually is a real phenomenon. I am impressed. Well done CBN.
You should get the shots for pertussis (whooping cough) anyway though. The current vaccine either is or soon will be using the evolved strains and should help to curb the deadly epidemic that is underway. One problem is morons who believe immunizations are some sort of conspiracy or that they cause autism or some other such nonsense. Did I call them morons? Sorry, I should have simply called them parents of dying children. That make you feel better?
Image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhDTgv_wKxpYC8h24mNwe7MD4TYvFL-DsgqR0H3mB8qOCF6waX2psrNsxnCzrJDQualJOGF9N6AXR2Ix_UBsWU6VYR6Sp41SG0inXRDaFCSso56q5ytWRviVMJSx3niyxyjmGITMHNhzkI/s1600/288464d1310524424-some-doctors-saying-vaccinate-your-child-go-elsewhere-treatment-n-whooping-cough-tubes.jpg