I was telling a class the other day about the chemistry of feces and why it turns dark on the “air” side and stays lighter in the water. I mentioned, as I have for decades to other classes, that in Europe you can find toilets with a shelf to poo on so you can inspect the results and collect a sample if needed. As usual, met with disbelief. “Why would ANYONE want to do that???”
Reasons too numerous to list, but suffice it to say some are good. Like people with IBS or Crohn’s disease that from time to time have to take a look or grab a sample. I am tired of always saying ‘No, really, they do!!!”
So here are the pictures and links. If they don’t work, just Google “toilet for inspecting feces” and look at the images. If you are lucky, you might even get the “twins”.
Reasons too numerous to list, but suffice it to say some are good. Like people with IBS or Crohn’s disease that from time to time have to take a look or grab a sample. I am tired of always saying ‘No, really, they do!!!”
So here are the pictures and links. If they don’t work, just Google “toilet for inspecting feces” and look at the images. If you are lucky, you might even get the “twins”.
(Flachspueler means "Washout" in German according to Google translate.)
Essay on subject: http://www.breigh.com/wordpress/archives/1617
Image: lifeintheleftlane.wordpress.com