Monday, January 25, 2010

The definition of "Craven Coward"

Gay marriage foes want campaign contributions anonymous, citing 'harassment' What a bunch of whining cowardly assholes. Oops. My New York upbringing just slipped out. Maybe I ought to publish this ANONYMOUSLY so no one would know I think using words like "asshole" is a good idea sometimes. These AHs push to get gay marriage banned because of some misguided religious or moral compass, then want to hide. If you hate fags, stand up and say so. If you love Jesus, stand up and say so. Or, say them both in the same sentence. I don't care. But at least have the guts to say "My name is Roger Rabbit and I hate fags and love Jesus." Now I know who to talk to.
Peel away the curtain of secrecy and cowardice and you will find a whining simpering AH with a sappy smile saying something like "I have the right to my opinions." Yeah, so do I.
I guess you could tell? This really pisses me off. (Oops. NY again.)


Unknown said...

Don't feel bad Woody. One of my favorite (and most frequently used) words begins with an F. If I'm feeling really frisky I'll add a prefix beginning with M. The direct translation in Italian isn't the same, but the intention is: vafanculo!

woody s. said...

vafanculo. I like it. vafanculo. how do you say this in portugese?

Unknown said...

Porra is the vulgar slang for F in Portugese in expletive form, as in Oh F!. I don't know how to direct someone to go do that to themself. I'm sure that as in Italian, the direct translation is not exactly the same as the intent. For example, the direct translation of the Italian vafanculo is "Go (imperative form) up your ass"... but means exactly the same as F Off or F You. When I want to say Oh F!!!!! in Italian I say porca Madonna. The literal translation is pig (fem form) Mary (mother of Jesus), the meaning is more like Mary's a C (female anatomical reference). Even in Italy, where little old ladies in heels and fur coats tell one another to vafanculo over a bulb of fennel in the produce market, this is a pretty foul expression.

Unlike English where we use one word, F, in various ways to express various things (everything from "I want to f you in the shower right now" to "you are a mfing ahole" to "f that") in Italian (and Spanish and Portugese), they have different words for each of these delightful and useful phrases. One might say they have elevated swearing to an art form.

I've heard an Italian swear continuously for 5 minutes without repeating a single word. To really learn how to swear I recommend attending a game or two of the local soccer team.