Friday, February 19, 2016

It May Not Help but it Couldn’t Hurt

Of late there has been a huge number of posts on Facebook urging people to hold on in the face of tough times because (paraphrases from many) “God has a plan for you”.
You know what? What is the plan for all the starving and dying children in the world, and yes, including American kids? And the plan for the millions of refugees displaced by war, living in poverty with no chance of ever getting out? And the 10s of millions of people dying from cancer and other treatable diseases because of inadequate or no medical care? And the – oh – I don’t know, the millions of humans being abused by someone or another, or being killed.

Tell me that your God has a plan. Convince me that this plan will do some good, because what I see is no god or gods doing anything. It is easy to believe in a loving god when you are not starving or being trafficked or killed. And I agree that many people who are starving or trafficked or killed go on believing that some God somewhere has a plan, and that things will get better, or, they will have eternity in Heaven, someplace undefined where they will praise, worship and sing to the god who didn’t give a crap for anyone during their lives.

Tell me that prayer to a god who isn’t there can possibly be answered? Tell me that a prayer to a god to help a pet in surgery will not let babies die of thirst and starvation. Tell me that any god worth a crap will help the world survive that coming crisis of overpopulation and global disaster. Tell me that any god cares enough to do some global good, not just help your Aunt Fannie get over her flu.

Well, I guess you can’t. But still you believe, and that is what I see is the real power of prayer. Not that someone will actually help, but that you will help yourself though perceived divine help. Go for it. Just don’t impose it on everybody else.  And go ahead and pray for me if you want to. As the Jewish Grandmother is fond of saying “It may not help but it couldn’t hurt.”


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