Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Old Tortoise and Little A Have a Talk

A Hill Much Like the Burial Place in the Valley
Years have gone by since the boy called “Little A” left the Valley for his own life. He often thought about all his friends there, most, he was sure, would be buried on the hilltop in the woods. He was sad, but one thing made his reminiscing happy: He had become brothers with his friend Rabbit, and so also to all the other animals in the Valley. And since then, he had never lost the ability to talk to animals. Even now, a grandfather himself, he could surprise mice and deer and birds and even snakes (although they were hard to understand) with a comment or observation on their fur or feathers. He had never again had an Animal Good Friend though.
Little A was a very successful Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and the chairman of a Major School of Veterinary Science. He held several patents on drugs and appliances that saved many animals lives, and he was modestly wealthy as a result.
One day he decided to see if the Valley was still there, and drove overnight to see it. It was much the same. He walked over the meadow, kept in condition by grazing animals, and walked to the burial hill. He sat beside the old tree and quietly remembered all his friends, and hoped they lived happy lives and died peacefully. He nodded off, and was awakened by a voice saying “Well Well. Who have we here? Hmmmm? Could it be Little A?” He looked around and saw an ancient Tortoise looking up at him. “Old Tortoise? Could it be you?” “Yep, it is indeed me. The last survivor of the years when you were truly ‘Little’. What brings you back after all these years?”
Little A told him of his life and successes, and Old Tortoise told Little A of the Valley. And the Threat. A developer was trying to buy the entire Valley to turn into a housing development. Old Tortoise had figured that out from the surveyors and sales people. Little A told the old man that he would see if he could help, said goodbye and walked quickly to his car. Well, he found the owners, an old couple who needed the money for medical expenses, and offered to buy the property for more than the asking price, and turn it into a Nature Preserve. They said yes on the spot.
Two weeks later a new sign replaced the “For Sale” sign
. The new sign simply said “Valley Nature Preserve.  Free access to all who want to preserve nature and wildlife. No activates that might endanger the Valley or the inhabitants permitted. Please Respect this Wonderful Place.”
That evening Little A once again sat on the hill with Old Tortoise. But this time there were hundreds of other animals crowded around, all trying to get a look at him, or for the bolder ones, touching him. He told them about the Preserve and called them “Brothers”. And when he left, he took the tortoise aside and told him that he had made arrangements for his ashes to be scattered around the hilltop. And eventually they were.


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