Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Expression of God’s Love or Man’s Love?

A group of well-trained amateurs and a vibrant leader put on a “gospel” type show on a street corner, praising “God’s Love”. Joyful and energetic. Uplifting. Even inspiring. But to mistake this putative outpouring of “Human Love” for “God’s Love” is a long stretch.
If I were to sing praises to a rock, to profess love for a rock and to worship a rock, that would be an indication of my love for the rock. Unless the rock did something to reciprocate, I would have no measure of the rock’s love for me. See? The point is this: when something awful happens, and people assemble, sing, dance and pray, that is not an expression of “God’s Love”. That is an expression of the people’s faith. God is absent from these events. One might ask “where was God when the boy was gunned down?” Probably watching. But loving the boy? Loving the hundreds of people injured as a result? Loving mankind so much that millions of Believers are butchered every year?
No, to me the answer is clear: If God there be, then God be watching. Not helping. Not intervening and certainly not loving. You don’t “love” someone and watch them suffer according to some “perfect plan” without helping. If there be God, then God has a funny way of “loving” his adoring masses. Makes absolutely no sense at all to me.
Image: http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_laq19bkC4g1qcc4zuo1_500.jpg

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