Monday, April 1, 2013

Warm Sun and an IPA. Perfect. Really?

Note: My family grows East Kent Goldings Hops
Sitting here in the sun, with an IPA, getting drowsy. Beautiful late afternoon in Northern Florida and the world is at war with itself. I am totally at peace, because in addition to the usual “He is Risen” which to some guarantees salvation, if not here than “there” if there is a there “there”, I am sanguine because the new Pope prayed for peace in his Easter address to the world. Never mind that every Pope for the last 200 years has prayed for peace, and it hasn’t happened yet. The Pope Prayed It. I Believe it. That’s the End of It. So goes the slightly altered line.
So, get ready for Peace, brothers and sisters. With the power on the side of the righteous, how can the world lose? How indeed.
(Is this cynical? Sarcastic? Ironic? Realistic? You tell me.?

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