Monday, March 25, 2013

Eagle Sighting!!

Yesterday, Sal and I were sitting in our kitchen looking out the picture windows into the back yard. Suddenly, a very large dark bird swept through the trees, plucked a squirrel off a branch, and then dropped it. The bird landed in the next tree, and for about 10 minutes stayed in plain sight while it changed positions and looked around. Finally it flew off. Whew, what a lucky squirrel.

The bird was an immature Bald Eagle. Fully grown but still no white head. And right in our back yard. What a treat!!! The picture above isn’t the one we saw, but it is exactly like it. We didn’t even think to take a photo; just watched and enjoyed.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Woody. I've seen 2 eagles with white heads on lower boston rd since we built out here. One was right at the intersection of lower boston and 19 S. 2 years ago. I stopped and pulled off the road just so I could soak up the experience. Ron Lindquist