Monday, March 4, 2013

Confused and Pissed Off, Me and Diane.

Diane Rehm is confused, and so am I. Maybe for different reasons, but confused none the less. For decades workers, wage earners that is, have put cash money into their accounts. Their employers have done the same. Cash money. Interest-earning cash money. At the same time, the congress has taken the cash and replaced it with IOUs, called T-notes. The Social Security Administration is sitting on tens of billions of dollars worth of T-notes. And now the congress wants to cut benefits to SS recipients because "there isn't enough cash to meet the needs" or something like that. Those bastards looted the funds and now fall back on the excuse that the cash is gone. If the SS Administration were allowed to cash in the bonds, they would be flush with cash, and secure for decades without any cuts. But, to cash the bonds congress would have to borrow cash from someone. Who? Why the Social Security Cash Cow of course. Or China.

So I am confused. Can someone explain why I shouldn't be completely pissed off at congress? Because I really am. Really.


1 comment:

Zarko said...

To me it is not confusing, it is theft. That's how Bernard L. Madoff got his idea.