Thursday, August 23, 2012

Merely the Imposition of Religion. What is Wrong With That?

Note Priest on right.Notic all the people getting tortured.

Vatican Investigating Girl Scouts for Links to Safe-Sex Education Groups
Catholics should be embarrassed and the rest of us should be really pissed off. Why? Just who the hell does the Vatican think it is, investigating the Girl Scouts? None of their damn business. Personally I think the Vatican should be investigated for all kinds of infractions of human rights. Kind of like an Inquisition in Reverse.

You see, this is the kind of thing that happens when one religious group thinks they have a monopoly on “truth”. They try to impose their values on everybody else. Burn Christians that disrespect the Quran. Pass anti-abortion laws to punish women who don’t believe in their narrow view of the world. Investigate the Girl Scouts for gods sake. Jail “Pussy Riot” for 2 years for blasphemy. The list goes on. I have railed against the imposition of religious views on people who don’t want them. I will always do that. On the other hand, wouldn’t it be SWEET to have a Scientology majority in the house and senate so they could impose their ridiculous ideas about dianetics on all of us? I didn’t think you would like that. So why impose your ideas about creation or “a day of rest” or Christmas? Sure, atheists love to get the holiday vacation, but what if they want to work on the 25th of December and their PUBLIC OFFICE is closed? Imposition of religion again. What if Jews took over the government an outlawed Sunday holidays but enforced Saturday ones? Or made it the LAW that all males got clipped? I didn’t think you would like that. And what about laws that exempt religious organizations from paying property taxes? That means you pay a subsidy for the Jewish Temple, the Islamic Mosque, the Mormon Temple and many others. Like that? No, I didn’t think so.
So think twice before you so easily impose your religious beliefs on others. You may be next.


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