Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I Am Ashamed for America.

This one caught me by surprise. Link sent by a friend. Why not? Wow! Andre Rieu playing “My Way” as a tribute to Frank Sinatra at Radio City Music Hall. But that isn’t what really caught my attention, good as it was. No, in the middle of the video is footage of immigrants on ships at the turn of the century seeing N.Y. harbor and our beautiful and welcoming Miss Liberty. The faces on the immigrants were beyond joy. Many of them illegal by the way. Just bought a one way ticket and were welcomed to America. Some of them got a hard time, and some got rejected, but many, including my own grandparents, got through. And were made legal.
Where has our love of immigrants gone? Where has the pride we feel just because the poor and abused of other places want to come to OUR home gone? Where has our honor gone? Yes, we exploited many of them and for some it took 2 or 3 generations to work their way up the ladder of success. But they worked. They built our buildings, roads, tunnels. They planted and harvested our crops. The cleaned our toilets and made our beds. They cooked our food. They - - - - - - - Oh My God!! They must have been MEXICANS!!!. Quick!! Lock the door to America.

You get the point I hope. I am ashamed at the “chicken littleism” plaguing this country. I am embarrassed for our children and ancestors. And I am sick to tears at our gutless politicians who pander to the self-serving fear mongers.
And I fear for America.

Image: http://wwwdelivery.superstock.com/WI/223/1895/PreviewComp/SuperStock_1895-16930.jpg

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