Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Year: Thumbs Up or Down?

Another year comes to an end with mixed reviews, but the majority are not very satisfying. Political posturing resulted in little progress on the home front, and crises abroad brought the world closer to collapse. The war in Iraq ended today, that is a good thing, but the war in Afghanistan continues apace. The American economy is in shambles, as is the situation in most of the rest of the world, and the “American Dream” looks remote for many.
There were some highlights: (here I pause: just what are the good news items? Hmmm. Killing Osama? Killing someone shouldn’t be a highlight, should it? The Euro not collapsing? Damn, this is tough.) So, the highlights: (here I pause again.) Ok friends, help me out here. What do YOU think are the highlights? How about Tallahassee finally getting a brewpub.(Momo’s Pizza in Market Square.) I know: The Duggars had a miscarriage. One less mouth to feed in the world. No, you say, not a highlight.
I know: The population crossed the 7 billion mark. Lots of souls to sing “Hosanna”. Too bad so many of them are starving to death.
So friends, help me out here. I am looking for world class positives.


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