Monday, August 22, 2011

No Knee-jerks Here.

While researching Rudolf Brazda I came across a YouTube video with an unpleasant title: Why Homosexuality Should be Banned. Given my own thoughts on the matter I considered ripping the computer out of the wall, but thought “No, don’t be an asshole like the knee-jerk homophobes.” So I watched it. And boy, am I glad I did.
This is a gem of a home produced video that destroys the myths of homosexuality in a series of arguments designed to attack homosexuality. A beautiful piece of creative art that will make the most ardent homophobe at least stop and, oops, I was going to write “think”, but we know homophobes don’t think. They jerk.

Do youself a real favor whether you are a supporter of equal rights or a supporter of limited rights, and watch this video. You will never be the same again.

Anti homosexual video:
Rudolf Brazda video:

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