Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Conservative War on Everybody but the Rich

This article (1) called “The Liberal War on Food Stamps” totally misses the point as I see it. The gist of the article is that liberals are calling food stamps “corporate welfare” and are thereby courting disaster from tea party types who would cut food stamp programs to end any kind of welfare. And the folks who claim this might just be correct. Tea Party types are dangerous morons who react to everything that they see as big government welfare with the same mantra: Kill It.
But they are wrong as well, because they are misreading the connection, probably on purpose. The point is this: By paying workers minimum wage, corporations are forcing the workers to seek help to survive by applying for subsidies to keep them alive. Seen in this context, working poor who receive government assistance instead of a living wage are benefiting the corporation by increasing the profit of the corporation and increasing the tax burden on the rest of us.
This is NOT a liberal war on food stamps. It is a liberal war on greedy corporations who systematically shirk their responsibilities as citizens (remember, the conservatives got them declared “persons”) to contribute fairly to the overall success of all citizens, not just the rich ones.
Liberal War on Food Stamps my ass. This is a Conservative War on Everybody but the Rich.



Zarko said...

It is a shame that an average full time worker at any food chain cannot support a family nor itself on just one paycheck. The pay is so skewed towards the negative selection that the middle class is dying at a frighting rate. So we end up with problems such as Wall Street that is out of control, higher education that puts kids into debt, job outsourcing and our tax structures that favor the rich. At the end the 1% wealthy dominate politics and the media. Isn't that what dictatorship is all about? One very small group (one person=what's the difference) that contains the full control over all the assets and holds the power. Isn't that what we fought against during the year of 1775? I agree with you and it is just shame... Greed is a bitch especially if you are on the wrong side of the stick (99%).

woody s. said...

Z. As usual you put it very well. IT is a bitch that is only going to get worse, and I apologize to you and all the youth of the world for not being more alert earlier. There is, however, always the barricades. You mention 1775. I was just listening to a guy on TechNation talking about the role of technology in revolution. He clearly documents that the underlying causes of any revolution are the down-pressure on the masses by an elite of some kind. As he said, technology is only the accelerant to keep it going and make it grow. Tom Paine in the American Revolution and his pamphlet, songs in the French one, Fax in the Tiananmen Chinese one, and the computer then the cell phone in the Arab Spring. In each case the cause was grievances, and the technology only let the revolt spread. Very interesting. An early sign of real worry in this day and age would be a cutting off of cell towers and the internet. I hope I never see it. Thanks for reading me. W>

Zarko said...

I certainly enjoy reading your perspective on many topics covered in woody's world. You are part of my morning routine; I glanced through the news, the mail and read what's on your mind :)

I am a fan of your writing, and always look forward to new blogs.

