Friday, July 19, 2013

Harry Potter, Trevor and GLBTQ

I am glad you failed, too.
In case you didn’t know this, GLBTQ youngsters (I am old enough now to use this term) have a higher suicide rate than straight youth. Why? God, the reasons are many, but it boils down, in my view, to the anxiety and depression of not being accepted for who you are by ones you love and the rest of the world as well. Or the fear of this.
So “coming out” isn’t easy. It is viewed and probably is in many situations dangerous. I know a man, the father of a gay son, who for years after the boy came out would not talk to him or have him involved with any family activities. He blamed his son for choosing his gay life. They are somewhat reconciled now, and I hope will continue to grow closer as time goes on. My own son came out to us many years ago, and we are a family. His husband, officially, is a wonderful man and they are a loving couple.
In neither case was suicide the outcome of the anxiety of being gay. But it often is and this is where Daniel Radcliffe steps in. He is a spokesperson for the Trevor Project that exists to help GLBTQ youths through the dark days of disclosure. Is Radcliffe gay? Well, he has a girlfriend doesn’t he? You don’t have to be on the GLBTQ team to care about them, or to love them for who they are, or to be an advocate for them. You just have to not be judgmental. (Think “WWJD”. And for the rest of you, think WWWD.)

Check out the Trevor Project and watch the PSA from Harry. And remember it. You may just save a life someday. Maybe even your own
Trevor Project:

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