Friday, August 10, 2012

Don’t turn you back on a cute squirrel.

The other day I was sitting at my desk writing something when a movement caught my eye. I turned and looked out and saw a squirrel with something in its mouth. Looked like maybe a baby. As I watched, it jumped up on a 4 x 4 short post and sat there. The object it was carrying was a very dead mouse. No doubt at all. And then it was gone. No time for a picture.
Today I looked around the internet for “squirrel carries dead mouse” and found only one blog that mentioned it. Pam Roach (1), Washington State Senator, reported the same thing in 2009. The only mention. Not good enough. So I entered “squirrel eats mouse” and bingo. Several hits including the article (2) below that has a video of a veterinarian talking about squirrels that do eat meat on occasion, a picture of a squirrel eating a baby bird, and a video of a squirrel eating a fresh-killed mouse.

So I wasn’t nuts. Next time you see one of those cute little critters, don’t turn your back.


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