Friday, June 29, 2012

TGIF – Let’s have some good news.

Well, what a week! So let’s have some good news. Not the world. No, but consider these items: “friends” on Facebook having babies, taking trips, having fun, buying guns, eating great meals, seeing movies, playing games. This is all good news.
Sal and I had a good time in D.C. with good company, food and beer.
Debbie has cleared the mainland and left a great deal of water behind. Some flooding but much needed water in all of Florida. Good news imbedded with the bad.
Some good interactions with various people on various topics indicate that real differences of opinion need not wedge people apart. Thanks to Malcolm and Janet especially. A few others have gotten a little ‘testy” as Sal would say.
And vacation plans going very well. Almost through the “to do” and “to buy” lists, then off to Newfoundland.
It can’t really get much better than this. So ya’ll have a great weekend.

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