Thursday, June 28, 2012

Republicans Are Sore Losers

First they said the Affordable Health Care Act would hurt people. Truth: It has helped millions including students, seniors and everybody with a pre-existing condition who was not insurable.
Next they said the insurance industry would raise prices and oppose it. Truth: The insurance industry supported it, didn’t raise premiums and pledged to keep some provisions if it was struck down.
Next they said it was unconstitutional. Truth: The Supreme Court with the vote of the  conservative Chief Justice found it constitutional.
Now they pledge to repeal it because - - because - - uhhh - - Obama passed it. Truth: Congress passed it and it is the now the law of the land.
Romney pledged to repeal it “The first day I am President” and replace it with something else. Truth: The President cannot repeal anything. Congress repeals laws. Romney is wrong. Another Truth: Romney has never said what he would replace it with. Maybe a law like the one he pushed for and signed into law in Massachusetts? Ooops. Just like the Affordable Health Care Act.
This is a pitiful string of stupid attempts of a small minority of conservatives to get things “their way or the highway”. Romney is right about one thing though. If you vote for him and put the Republicans in charge of the Senate, things will change. The AHCA will go, along with many protections we currently enjoy like clean air, water, safe food, National Parks owned by the people, protected fish stocks and many more. And, if you have ever had cancer or diabetes or migraines or heart disease you will not be able to get insurance. And, your children between 18 and 26 will no longer be on your health policy. And, the donut hole won't close. And, 30 milliion plus Americans won't have health insurance and YOU will pay their health care costs. Good ideas, huh?
Oh yeah, the country will lose any chance at all to get control of the global climate mess.

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