Thursday, June 21, 2012

“Every child deserves two parents. Period.” So sayeth Woody.

"Every child deserves a mother and a father.' So sayeth the Southern Baptist Convention today. They also say that gays do not qualify for protected status under the civil rights definitions. They affirmed that “gay marriage” is not in line with the biblical definition of a marriage of “one man and one woman”. (Didn’t any of the old testamenters have more than one wife or at least a mistress? Genesis 4:19, 2 Samuel 12:8, 1 Kings 11:3 ?) So what is this crap, anyway? Oh, I forgot. They get to thump any part they want and ignore any they find uncomfortable.

More than 13 million households in this country right now are single parent operations, usually solo Mom, but increasingly solo Dad.
Well I think the SBC is not only wrong, dangerously wrong, but bigoted and blind to the world around them.
If the “Two Parent Home” is considered the ideal, then 2 loving Moms or 2 loving Dads fit that ideal. Nothing wrong with 1 loving parent, but society seems to agree (and probably biology also agrees) that 2 parents are needed to fully surround a child or children with a complete home. On this point I think one could mount several arguments, but that is for another time.

Let me ask this:  is a home with one loving parent and one abuser better that 2 loving same-sex parents? Is a home with one loving parent and one absent parent better than 2 loving same-sex parents? Is a home with 2 parents that hate each other better than 2 loving same-sex parents? Huh? Huh? Where is the SBC answer to those? Silent, that’s where.

And never mind the entire issue of pushing a single religious view on all of us until we puke.

Images:  1.



1 comment:

Zarko said...

This would never be an issue if we had the true separation of church and government.