Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Chop your own wood and it heats you twice.

Wood yard at Rainbow Rise

That is patently wrong. In fact it is so wrong I am sure that no one who has ever cut firewood from the forest or yard would propose it. The attribution I found was Henry Ford (1).
This morning while it was still cool I got started on the wood pile. Logs from the tree that went down a couple of weeks ago needed attention. I got out the maul, sledge and chain saw and went to work. Here is the actual warming:
1. Warmed while cutting up and piling the downed tree
2. Warmed while moving the cut wood to the back of house
3. Warmed while splitting the wood by hand
4. Warmed while moving the wood to the rick
5. Warmed by moving the wood to the house to burn
6. Warmed by the fire.

Six bloody times you get warmed, and 5 of them you don’t really need or want.
I spent a lot of time in my youth cutting, splitting and stacking wood. This was a winter activity where I grew up. Logs cut in the fall were stacked and split in the winter, restacked and burned the following winter. Nice and seasoned. I wore jeans, boots and no shirt. Cold as the Arctic by the woodpile, but I steamed from exertion. Hour after hour and never got cold. Today in North Florida I worked in shorts and a tee shirt (mozzies you know) and was boiling hot in 10 minutes. Thirty minutes later, I took a short break and checked email. And wrote this homage to cutting wood. I am going back now, and predict another half hour before the temp hits 85. Then, off to the store for a nice cool grocery shop.
Image: My wood yard

1 comment:

Zarko said...

I remember those manual days when heating came as a year long preparation. The benefit was that I was able to eat 7000 kCalories and never gain an ounce of fat. Obesity was not an epidemic and TV had only 4 channels. No computers, no video games, and the only form of entertainment was to go outside and play. At that time food was simple (nothing diet) and delicious without any addictive additives.

On a side note, I bought a "Real Fruit All Natural Bar" to snack on. As I was eating it, I decided to read the label, just to realize that the fruit was not part of the fruit bar at all, and all of 40 ingredients were everything but natural. Damn Bustards, ohh wait there is none to blame but myself for buying it at the first place... uuupppsssss.....