Friday, February 10, 2012

It’s not about contraception – it’s about your right to choose.

Santorum: “It’s not about contraception – it’s about
government control of your lives.” This means that as far as Santorum is
concerned, you can buy your own rubbers and pills, but the public hospital you work for won’t have to pay, or let you pay for insurance to help offset some of the costs. They pay to have the premature baby kept alive in an incubator for 3 months, they will pay to have the babies medical issues treated and they will pay to have the mother treated for any number of different complications. They just won’t pay to prevent the conception in the first place. Whew. Fair enough (although I don’t think it is fair at all.) So if Santorum and his ilk don’t want the government to control your life, ask
them why you can’t get an abortion in Kansas, and why they want Roe v Wade
repealed. The answer is simple: they are sanctimonious morons that want it
their way, their own pragmatic, ignorant, imposing on everybodyelse way. They
really want the government to control what they want or don’t want you to be
able to do. They just don’t want YOU to choose what YOU want to do.
Some examples: They don’t want to pay for contraception AND they don’t want you to pay for an abortion or family planning. They want clean air and water free of charge BUT they don’t want to regulate the industries that pollute them. They want to choose when and where to pray, but they don’t want YOU to choose when and where you have to listen to prayer.
Some time ago I wrote that the whole idea of human reproduction rights was at stake, and the conservatives were chipping away the right of every person to decide FOR THEMSELVES when, where, if and how they would procreate. Just around the corner folks. Let the conservatives take all the power in Washington and the next volley will be contraception availability.
They will take down sex education in schools, take down family planning
organizations, take down OTC sales of all kinds of contraception, and take down
their pants in hotels and bathrooms and have a ball on taxpayers money. Just an
“I think”.


1 comment:

Zarko said...

I honestly think that the source of all political ignorance is directly proportional to the stupidity of greater majority of population that it represents. As I am getting older I am starting to rarely blame political leaders, but rather the population that supports it. I never understood how 100 million can be so scared of 100 individuals. But then again, throughout history women were always an easy target of distraction by religions (cults) and any other organized of similar nature. Don’t have to look any further, but the bible which is full of misogyny. To make matters even worse, not long ago, women allowed and strongly supported stoning of the same sex to punish creative thinking, so how can we expect them to combine forces when it comes down to something as simple as contraception!?!?! “Support Life” tag… WTF is that all about; how about “Support Death” which would be more appropriate in this over populated world. If it is truly about the choice, why don’t we ask the embryo what it thinks… Politicians are like my kittens: They look straight into my eyes while they are slowly moving an object towards the edge of the table. If I don’t say anything the object is bound to be off the table, but if I react they stop and run away. In respect to that, politicians will do the same by pushing boundaries as long as they are supported by the majority… The blame falls on the majority and not the few leaders that are feeding off of the ignorance of the general public….