Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I am getting worried.

The hysteria seems to me to be getting out of control. Look at this:
A new Christian movement that seeks to take dominion over politics, business and culture in preparation for the end times and Jesus' return is becoming more of a presence in American politics. Rachel Tabachnick, who researches the religious right, explains its beliefs and influences. (1)
Now I don’t know about you, but when any religion seeks to take over the world I get worried. But when Americans who live in the Land of the Free begin talking about converting EVERYONE to a fundamentalist form of Christianity so we can bring about the “End time” I get really worried.
“What if I don’t believe in the end time and the second coming of Christ?” “Well bubba, we will just convert you.” “How?” “We will first cast out the demons that inhabit you, then you will be converted.” “I have demons?” “We all have demons. We are going to cast out the world class demons and convert all the Muslims in one go!” “How about queers?” “Yup, demons.” “Atheists?” “Yup.” “Jews? Gypsies? Hindus? Catholics?” “Yup, all of them. Demons.”
Now I ask you, how do you argue that mentality? And they are getting powerful. They are running Rick Perry for President. They are supporting Bachmann. They are scary. We don’t need guns to protect us from the government. We need guns to protect us from these dangerous wack jobs. Christians my ass. These guys are psychopaths. Uh, excuse me. Apostle Psychopath if you please.

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