Monday, July 19, 2010

Looking Back

I just spent a little time looking back at some of the 200+ essays on my blog. Some remained like bright stars while others seemed dated and unrecalled. Some were angry rants and some reflective observation. Some were tales of events in the real world and some were more, well, otherworldly. I read through quite a few of them and found a few typos and grammar issues that were unintended, while others had some intentional misspellings and free form grammar used for some purpose. Some were about family, some about strangers and some about friends.
I was pleased that I could see no mean-spirited rants or innuendo-filled snide shots at anyone.
A friend told me something her husband once told her that seems present in many of the things I write. He mused that he figured we are all born with a quantity of patience, and as we get older we use it up. At some point we are pretty much out of it, and we begin to take on the world. That’s me. Where once I would have just gotten pissed off at something and moved on, now I am more likely to confront and openly express my own point of view.
For example, I was never abused by a Priest as a youngster, but that whole thing still upsets me, and when new insults arise, I check my “patience bucket” and find it low. So I react, more for the point than with hope of influencing change. For example, the Vatican has just released revised canon law that makes pedophilia and ordaining women to the priesthood equally “grave defects” and orders instant excommunication for both. What a load of crap. But there it is. So I will write and talk about it for awhile without hope of bringing sanity here, but to inform maybe a few readers who will in turn inform a few others.
When I started this enterprise I didn’t think I had much to say. Wrong. What I didn’t know was that I was nearly out of patience. Very dangerous for someone who has strong opinions and time on his hands.

Image: Used with permission of the artist, Marc Archambault:
News source:

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