Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thoughts on a leaky boat and HUTAs

The boat leaks. Fairly significantly. Out over 100 feet of water in the Atlantic off the Keys with only a bilge pump between fishing fun and disaster. One battery failure or pump failure and down we go. The stupidity of this situation hits like a stone hits a Philistine . Thump! Down we go. The world is leaking like crazy now and fast running out of batteries and pumps to keep it afloat. Disaster is ahead, even if we don't sink, we will wallow dangerously toward sinking for decades to come if we don't get to a safe harbor. Let me be plain. The degradation of the land, air and water has continued for too long for natural mechanisms to keep the balance. Think Gaia Theory. Right, the Gaia hypothesis has been up-graded to a Theory (capital "T", you ex bio students know what that means"). It will take political will, cash and lots of luck to avert total disaster. The sadness is that many political leaders and their kith and kin don't even think there is a problem. "Just a natural cycle" (no, I don't know the source, but it is an oft-repeated saw"). This is what I call the HUTA syndrome, and is dangerous for us all. The HUTA folks will go down with the boat just like the rest of us when the time comes, but they will wonder why. The rest of us will know why and wonder why we didn't do something sooner. Eat, drink and be merry, friends. Looks like the HUTAs will win this one. Funny old world when winning is losing, isn't it.


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