Thursday, July 16, 2009

New justice


Looks like we will have a "Latina" justice on the court (supreme, what else?) by the August august recess. The 3 days of hearings were interesting, though no light was shed on the candidate. But boy did the Republicans shine!! Playing to their base (and basest) they really looked like small-minded wingers. Oh, I forgot, they are small-minded wingers. So the composition of the court will probably not shift much with Sotomayor's appointment (I hope) so what we liberals (really middle of the roader here) can hope for is a resignation of one or more of the conservatives, or maybe even the moron, so that Obama can do to the court what Bush desperately wanted to do: solidify it for years to come. Only not in favor of the zealot religious fanatics (oops, my bias is hanging out. Wait. Zipppp. There.) or should I say the right wing ideologues. Lets get some left wing ideologues on the court and keep Roe v Wade the law of the land. And lets get marriage on a level playing field while we are at it.
And, oh yeah, and while we are at it, that very controversial (look up McCain's rant on the Senate floor) hate crime legislation, let's get that past. What? Only tortured and killed a queer? Tut tut McCain . What? Only attacked a legal immigrant with a baseball bat who was walking with his arm around his BROTHER'S shoulder (a cultural thing in the country he was from, obviously a killing offense in America). The Republicans need to get a life. Thank god McCain didn't win.
Bye for now.

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