Wednesday, May 15, 2013

People Who Are Not MORONS are Under Attack

So, and atheist student in Oklahoma requested that copies of the 10 commandments be removed from the walls of all the class rooms. Predictably Christians from all over, including the Westboro Baptist Church, screamed “Foul”. “Christianity is under attack” and other nonsense.
What if that same boy had wanted to post a humanist statement in all the classrooms? Or a Muslim student wanted to post some rules from the Qur’an in all the classrooms? I bet the Christian parents and students would have a fit.
That is because they are not for religious freedom; they are for religious imposition, but only their own. One parent said: “If other kids don’t want to read the Ten Commandments, then they don’t have to,” she said. “But that doesn’t mean that they have to make everyone else do what they want.”

See the problem? This parent really wants exclusive rights to display religious crap. This is absolutely UNAMERICAN. It really pisses me off, but then I am only an American who believes in religious freedom, not one who believes that this is a Christian Country that has the Right to Impose Religion on us all.
Just saying.

Read more:


1 comment:

Zarko said...

The good ol' 10 commandments, a useless and comical piece of 10 things that are against human nature. I am surprised no one has yet started amending it, hahaha.