Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Conservatives Lie Again: No Surprise There.

Yep, Conservative Men and Women Fooled Again by the RIGHT.

Now we know that the secret video showing Planned Parenthood people blithely discussing disposal of aborted fetal tissue was an edited fraud. And the photos of "aborted fetuses" were actually photos of miscarried babies unrelated to either abortion or Planned Parenthood. The people that put out the video ADMITTED IT WAS A FRAUD.
In other words: LIES.
Now come on Woody. Why would minions of right-wing conservative politicians and Christians make up stuff? Well, because they need an ISSUE, dummy. They need a "Chicken Little" issue to make the ignorant conservative base run around crying "the sky is falling - again." Did I say "again"? Yep. Remember how gay marriage was going to destroy straight marriage? (Never mind how many divorces there are, how many battered women there are, how many unmarried mothers there are.) Well, it didn't, and now a-days people don't much get excited about gay people getting married. Remember the "Obama is going to take your guns"? He didn't. Never was going to. But the NRA-sponsored issue machine whipped up the base again.
And now, since it is obvious that Obama isn't going to take your dammed guns or that gay marriage is going to ruin your perfect straight marriage, the Right Wingers need a new issue to whip up the base into running around in circles crying "The Sky is Falling"!!!
Enter the Planned Parenthood fiasco. Sure enough, the anti-abortion people fell on it with slobbering fangs, pushed it down everybody's throats and screamed "SEE!!! THEY KILL BABIES FOR PARTS!!!"
And you run around like morons.
You probably wont care that Planned Parenthood is the MAJOR supplier of women's health benefits for poor women: breast cancer screening, reproductive system screening for all kinds of issues, birth control counseling and supply (you know, so poor women wont need abortions?).
Very little of the PP activity is abortion related.
But the RIGHT must have an ISSUE. So they cob up another lie.
Boy, you conservatives are sure stupid sometimes. Some "Special Kind of Stupid".
Image: https://polination.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/dog-not-saying-youre-stupid.jpg?w=500&h=312

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