Thursday, August 21, 2014

Kicked in the Balls? Kick Back!

Hiroshima. One bomb did this.
My first real job was at NVCC in Annandale, Va.  My boss was George T. and he was from West (by God) Virginia. We got on really well, peer to peer, and one day he was venting over something that CFO had done. He put it exactly like this: “I don’t mind when they shit on my head, but it really pisses me off when they rub it in.” Old West (by God) Virginia saying, he said.
Well, the terrorists have shit on the heads of the free world a lot lately, and now they have rubbed it in. In fact, they have Kicked America in the BALLS and laughed about it. They have executed a Son of the Country in the most brutal way, and threatened more of the same. And they expect us to bow and scrape and go away.
BALLS TO THAT is my opinion. Mr. President, time to show us your “package” and bomb these bastards into oblivion. If you think the liberals of the country won’t back you on this, all I can say is that I am one liberal who would. Boots on the ground? No, I don’t want that. But if it takes an invasion to wipe these Mothers off the Face of the Earth, then the whole of the rest of the world better pony up some invaders. A Crusade would be nice. And not some half-assed crappy punitive raid either. The Full Monty.

1 comment:

Zarko said...

There is a slight problem with the extermination idea:
1. It is like cancer, and almost impossible to exterminate. It’s impossible to kill them all as such actions result in innocent people dying and for every innocent person dead will have a family member converted into the hate and extremism on a larger scale. It will be a domino effect
2. This situation is to some extend analogous to this example: at any time anybody enters the ocean there is a theoretical possibility of a cruel shark attack as we are invading their habitat. So, if you have a person decapitated by a shark, it doesn’t give us the right to exterminate all sharks. The moral of the story is that if you don’t want to take the risk of a shark attack, don’t swim in the ocean. If you don’t want to be beheaded, don’t go there.
3. The people that will be deploying our soldiers are the same people that are funding these extremist operations. Weapons are expensive and the only way you are going to stop it is by simply cutting off the supplies. A simple idea, but doesn’t work in practice as it is not in our government best interest. They make money on this, and even worse it redirects people’s attention from more pressing domestic issues.
My Solution:
They want us to take the fight to them and I say don’t do it. Take billions of dollars otherwise used in an useless war and invest them into this country by strengthening the middle class, the economic system, the education system and the healthcare. Finally get rid of the bustards at the congress that fund these mercenaries and sell the US made weapons to the monsters that are killing US citizens with US weapons. We have bigger problems over here which we should focus first. We are looking at those people from our point of view and we will never understand their mentality and killing them will never change that. So I propose to leave those fucks alone and the problem will slowly dissipate once there is no attention, no media, no funding, no cool factor and no Americans nearby to kill…