Friday, January 17, 2014

Why is Woody so Quiet?

It has been a while since my last blog post. Why? The easy answer is “overwhelmed”.  With what? 
Well, hell, the list of things to comment on is long and often but not always involves the really stupid and/or dangerous stuff the government is doing. The ongoing distortions from Fox News(?) is pretty discouraging from the perspective that the founder and CEO of Fox, Roger Ailes, stated from the beginning that he loved the propaganda mechanism of the Nazis in the 30s and wanted to influence the American public to his very conservative point of view using the same Nazi techniques. And it worked and is working.

Morons increasingly deny climate change in the face of escalating problems relating to it. Morons blamed the current President for the chemical spill in West Virginia, even though: A; they hate government regulations and regulators and B; the regulation of that operation was under the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!!!
Morons in Florida love Rick Scott. Misguided FSU fans monopolized the internet for days around and during the big game. Big Deal. And the list goes on.
So I have been catalyzed into inactivity with the plethora of problems to write about. So what about good news? Yes, there is some. Great food to report from Vienna, and some interesting beer as well. The unusual cold weather may kill off some of the bugs that are killing northern forests. I have a clutch of very good students this term. Trip planning for future travels are going well. And that list goes on too.
I guess the problems really relate to the issue of “Zadarum” ( and the persistent feeling that what I say and know to be true makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. Things will loosen up a little in the near term, but really guys, the long term is seriously bleak. You conservatives better start praying now more than ever. And it will do about as much good as it always did. None.


Zarko said...

I think there is a double standard and people evolved not to care after years of bullshit. Here are some of reasons to why:
1. When a person steals or mismanages money for a company regardless of amounts usually leads to immediate release from the duty and possible jail time; Banks do it on a mega scale and they get bailed out and to make the matter even worse the same people that mismanaged the money keep their jobs
2. A person that sells herbs, if caught in the wrong state would get some jail time; if pharmaceutics invests millions into a drug, the drug will make the market even if it means to adjust statistics and do bad science in the process that usually leads in killing or seriously hurting many people. At the end, all in hopes to recover any of the investment before the predictable happens and all they get is a slap on a hand and maybe just needing to add the side effect using a font size 5 somewhere on the other side of the peel off sticker on the bottle.
3. A teacher educates children a biased point of view or misinformation (depending on the information, some fairly tail stories are completely accepted) will be immediately removed from his duties and disgraced; yet NBC news, Fox news, CNN and all the way down to a local information center will continuously feed its citizen bullshit by tons and get away with it. Ohhh remember the Iraq story: they have weapons, they don’t; they have chemicals, they don’t; they treat citizen inhumanly, sometimes; they are threat to our security, they are not; they were behind the 9/11, they were not…. So what do we do, kill thousands of innocent people based on cooperate lies and in the end leaving many families with graves. I don’t know, but to me sounds like mass murder, but who cares as the people that were responsible are flying in private jets and living it up large.
4. If a person puts a poisonous chemical in other person’s drink would result as you can imagine in some jail time, but if a state does it becomes a mistake and a lack of oversight and finger pointing game. The result is catastrophic to good citizens, plants and animals (which by the way also have feelings), but yet again who cares as these bustards fade away in the darkness of political bullshit much richer and unharmed.
5. If a doctor tells you to do something that results in killing the person, that doctor will lose its hard working license and possibly jail time, but if a church (a business) instructs you to pray and god will heal your child as god knows the best is completely acceptable and in case the child dies it is just god’s will. So if it is god’s will, why even bother praying on the first place.
6. When a person ignores signs that something is wrong with his/her car and due to a malfunction possibly harms other person will face some serious consequences, but if the city neglects to repay its levee system for years and some lady with the name of Katrina knocks on the door that results in billions of dollars in damages and a mass homicide a blame gets to be shifted until enough bullshit is being produced that it chocks out any bit of intellect. Again, everybody is sorry, but nobody is penalized.
7. A person drives along a highway and happens to throw out some trash, could and should get a 1000 fine, but state of Florida can dump out millions of gallons of waste into the ocean which by the way is the biggest business of the state. So how can a bag of trash on I10 cost so much but millions of gallons of even worse kind of waste directly into the water system is completely acceptable.
I think we are just too soft and hypocritical across the board so at the end how can anybody care. It is a sad state of affairs.

woody s. said...

Z. As usual, you nail the core of the problems.