Thursday, October 3, 2013

Confusion and Obfuscation? Republican Strengths

The American public is confused about the Affordable Care Act (ACA). They are not confused about “Obamacare”. Interesting no? Several polls clearly show good solid support for the major elements of the ACA, and overall support of the ACA. But not Obamacare. Of course these two entities are the same thing. So what the hell is going on?
Easy question to answer. Ever since the ACA was passed into law, the Tea Party and its news outlets have relentlessly called it the “Obamacare Bill” (it is not a bill boys, it is a LAW and it has been upheld by the Supreme Court), denigrated it, misrepresented the various parts of it (remember the “death panels” that didn’t exist?) and insisted that the “American People” hated it. John Boehner has said that so many times he may just believe it, mores the pity. Perfect example of the “Big Lie” strategy articulated below by Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda superstar.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”(1)

The public has been barraged with negative publicity on Obamacare to the point where they think the ACA and Obamacare are two different things. Job well done by the Tea Party Machine. And well-funded by the notorious Koch brothers.
So having lost the battle to repeal the ACA, a small group of Representatives are holding the entire government hostage. The American Position is we DON’T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS. These Tea Party guys are political terrorists, taking the entire country hostage and trying to shove their narrow-minded and wrong position down the throat of the entire country. The President is right not to negotiate with them. There is nothing to negotiate. This is like scientists negotiating with the Flat Earth Society to come to a compromise on the shape of the Earth. There is nothing to negotiate. And, the longer the ACA goes on, the more the public will come to depend on it for affordable (duh) health care.

The American Public has been systematically dumbed down and lied to for 30 years or more by a Republican Party increasingly focused on a minority of wealthy people and corporations. This is only the most recent example. Another example? Why the “Obama will take your guns away” lie. Anybody out there have their guns taken away since 2008? I didn’t think so. Who benefitted from this lie? The NRA and the Gun Industry have made Billions of Dollars since 2008 selling guns to people ahead of the non-existant deadline. Another example? The lies about the President being a Muslim and not being an American. Both lies told many times.

It is very sad that the public sucks up this crap like mosquitos sucking up blood. The real problem is that the public is getting sucked in and sucked dry by these “neo-cons”. My guess is that it is too late to put on the bug spray.
1. Goebbels Quote:

1 comment:

Zarko said...

I always wondered, what's the big deal even if the president is a Muslim. I thought we lived in a free world with freedom of religion... Ha, I guess that is only true if you pick the right religion. And then I wonder why don't people focus at qualities that actually determine a great leader, like huh let's see, INTELLECT.The only good thing about govt shut down is that getting around DC is much faster. Interestingly, these sanctimonious dickheads aka lawmakers are getting paid at the expense of 800,000 jobless people. It is scary just how dysfunctional this government really is. The entire institution is driven by greed, power and lust for more of it. It never seizes to amaze me.