Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Showering With a Friend or “The Giant in the Storm”

After a hot and tiring day on the water, and after a cold brew I decided to clean up and take a shower. Our place at the coast only has a 12x20 shed for storage, and that is where the shower is. The shed doubles for storage and necessities like a fridge, porta-potty, shelves, mower storage, fishing and boat stuff and anything else I can cram into it. The boat and camper live in a 20x30 boat “pole” barn. Anyway, the light wasn’t working when I went in, but so what? It was daylight and I could see pretty well. No snakes in sight. Nothing moving. I pulled back the shower curtain, adjusted the hot water whilst disrobing, and stepped in. Ahhhhhh. Warm water. Then adjust to cool. Wash. OUCH!! Something stung my foot. I looked down and there, perched on the top of my foot was a small, 1.5 – 2 inch scorpion. In the shower water. Just sitting there. And the little bastard critter had hit me twice. Naturally I flipped it off, I mean gave it the finger then convinced it to get off my foot all the while saying loudly “tish and piffle” (you believe that?). I shut off the water and said “what the hell are you doing in the shower, and why did you sting my foot, which you were sitting on”? The scorpion said something like “Well, I was hiding in the curtain and suddenly it moved and got wet. I was trying to get to someplace dry. I only tapped your foot to let you know I was there. Not a real sting you know. Come here if you want to see the difference.” (Both pincers waving me over)

Well, I guess that put me in my place. So I got a piece of cardboard, got the little bitch critter to crawl on it and put it outside. The stings were barely noticeable in a few minutes and I couldn’t even get much sympathy from Sally. Still, it was a nice chance meeting and it ended well. For the rest of the weekend we both, Sally and I, shook the shower curtain thoroughly before entering. My scorpion friend is probably now happily eating termites or ants or something. Telling the tale of  “The Giant in the Storm” to all who will listen. I wonder if it blogs?

Image: http://www.ub.ntnu.no/scorpion-files/c_hentzi2.jpg


Zarko said...

I don't know much about Florida scorpions, but I guess they are not venomous to cause harm to an adult body?!?

woody s. said...

bee sting level. This one didn't really sting so much as tap with the stinger with a tiny amount of toxin on the tip. Like a snake giving a "dry bite", fangs go in but no venom is injected. This type of behavior is sometimes interpreted as a warning. Scorpions don't usually sting what they walk on, so a double tap like that was somewhat unusual in my experience. The critter got a good drink before being sent back outside.