Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pray for Peace? Won’t Help.

Auto Accident. Three young men killed, one in bad shape in the hospital. Outpouring of calls for prayer on
Gotta Luv House
Facebook. Pray for the families; for the community; for the kid in hospital; for Santa Clause.
What I don’t get is this: Why someone thinks praying to the God that LET the kids crash and burn will influence the same God to have mercy on the rest?

No one will ever convince me that prayer works. Ah, but it really does, Woody. Yup, it helps people cope with the insanity of random bad crap happening. Gives people a prop to get them through the tough times. One Hundred Percent internal. Probably delusional. But it doesn’t work in the real world.
For nearly 2000 years Popes have Prayed for Peace. You see any peace around? Ever been a time when peace reigned the world? No.

Prayer is a personal act that makes people happy. It doesn’t work on a grand scale. Pray for reduced carbon dioxide in the air. Won’t help. Pray for someone not to die from pancreatic cancer. Won’t work. Why doesn’t it work? Simple.  Nobody on the other end of the phone.

Image: House.

1 comment:

Zarko said...

There have been 2 separate large studies that I am aware, that actually tested if prayer worked, with the same conclusions: IT DOESN'T

I found this short George Carlin clip on prayer, very funny: