Friday, March 1, 2013

More on Humane Slaughter. Humane?

The only image I could find to show humane slaughter.
Thanks to Nicole for this reminder: slaughter should be humane and pets should not be slaughtered. I have always been concerned about the slaughter of animals raised as pets. They neither deserve to be killed and eaten nor abused and left to languish. Responsible pet ownership should be just that: responsible. Unfortunately too many people fail to look ahead when the get a pet; cat, dog or horse. These critters live a long time, eat every day, need care every day and need wellness and illness care too. They can’t be left alone without some kind of care either. So what happens if people get tired of them? The shelter, the knacker or the road. So very cruel.
Visit any animal shelter in a university town and you hear the same story: lots of adoptions at the beginning of the fall term, lots of returns at the end of the spring term. Pets of convenience. And the epidemic of feral cats is appalling. I do advocate exterminating feral animals, but humanely.
Off the soap box, Woody. Just wanted to add to the discussion. (I couldn’t find a single image out of 100s that could be used to illustrate the idea of “humane” slaughter. I am beginning to think it doesn’t exist. Maybe only when you ambush something. This is an evolving value. I never thought it would be.)



Zarko said...

"Pets of convenience" a direct result of a spoiled and inconsiderate society. A society that is all about the moment. The term "humane" is a delusional and meaningless ideology to make humans feel good about ourselves. I honestly think the new age of enlightenment will come once we (humans) finally recognize that we are a poison to the entire biological system. The few that are good and worthy are quickly eliminated. The end result is depressing and certainly not picture worthy.

woody s. said...

Z. Thanks for reading my stuff. Sounds a bit cynical for a young guy, but then I believe you are right. I am sure I won't be around to see the "new age of enlightenment" and I suspect much gnashing of teeth before and if it ever arrives.