Monday, March 25, 2013

Sanctity of Marriage my Ass.

Listen to the whining, wheedling and sanctimonious pronouncements by the religious establishments about the sanctity of marriage and you would think that a bolt of lightning would evaporate anyone violating the “sacred vows” of marriage. IT DOESN’T HAPPEN PEOPLE!!!! For a number of reasons actually. Mainly it doesn’t happen because marriage isn’t sacred. It doesn’t come from god. Or God. Or Allah. It comes from the heart. It is a commitment to go through life as a couple, facing together what either couldn’t or wouldn’t face alone. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. And you don’t need marriage to produce children. Witness the millions of single parent homes and non-married mothers. And you don’t need marriage to raise a child either.

Two parents do make things better sometimes, and worse sometimes. Depends on the parents. Two mothers or two fathers have the same chance of being good parents as two parents of oppsite sex. Maybe even a better chance since it takes more determination to be parents in the first place.

So don’t through the old “Sanctity of Marriage” crap in my direction. I have seen many, many so-called normal marriages fail for many different reasons. I have yet to see a bolt of lightning.


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