Thursday, December 13, 2012

Not a Ball or Ovary in Sight.

Fiscal cliff? What a crock! Pure showmanship at work when the SOBs should be at work getting the mess in the country straightened out. Of course we have a massive problem, brought on by decades of neglect of responsible governing. Of course we have huge debts and not enough income. Nobody denies that. But we also have gutless politicians (and have had for decades) always willing to “kick the ball down the road” and instead go for the pork. For themselves of course.
Well boys (and girls) it is time to cut the crap and get it right. Cut spending and raise income. What does it take to get this simple point over? Look at your own situation: you get in debt, either on purpose or accidental and what do you have to do? Cut spending and/or increase income. The “and/or” here is important. If you cannot cut enough spending then you MUST increase income. Get a part-time job. Get a better job. Something to raise income.
So the government should cut spending but cannot cut enough spending to cover the nut. Income must be raised. How? Now that is the question. Close loop holes; raise taxes; increase tariffs; stimulate the economy to increase production/sales/jobs.
I don’t know what they should do, but my gut tells me all of the above and more will be needed before this mess is over. My gut also tells me that the mess will never really be over. My gut also tells me that the rich will make out like the bandits they are and the rest of us will get screwed somehow.
 My gut also tells me that the gutless bastards in Congress don’t have the balls or ovaries to really do it right. Very, very sad.

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